Monday, January 30, 2017

Tres pasos para fortalecer la democracia de Turquía tras el fallido golpe de Estado

Publicado originalmente en Telesur

    Tres pasos para fortalecer la democracia de Turquía tras el golpe de Estado fallido

    Monday, January 23, 2017

    3 Steps to Strengthening Post-Coup Democracy in Turkey

    Originally posted by Telesur.

      • The flags of Turkey and the European Union.


      We are at a turning point for Turkey as terrorist attacks have increased, the economy slows and events have tarnished international observers' views of the country.
      It was July 15 and I had just arrived in the magical city of Istanbul for the first time. I spent the afternoon and evening exploring the magnificent historical sites of the Sultanahmet neighborhood including the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sofia and Grand Bazaar. Following a romantic dinner on the terrace of a traditional Ottoman restaurant overlooking the Bosphoros and modern city on one side against the iconic backdrop of the historic city on the other, I was unaware that this juxtaposition of Turkey’s Ottoman past with its modern present would take an unprecedented turn.
      While walking through Sultanahmet Square later that evening, there were three members of the military running, one of them with their weapon and phone out. I thought the situation was odd and headed back to my hotel.
      As soon as I returned to the hotel, I saw the news of the ongoing coup d’état unfolding in the same peaceful city I was just watching from a distance. After a sleepless night ducking from the F-16s flying low that were felt from my hotel room, I watched the sunrise from the terrace with the hotel staff and other guests from all corners of the world relieved that the country had returned to civilian control.
      And so I spent my first 12 hours in Istanbul. Call it destiny, but this experience has fostered a special bond between Turkey and me — its resilient and hospitable people, historical legacy, entrepreneurial spirit, and global role as a connector across time and space.
      Having shared a piece of this national trauma that took nearly 300 lives and injured more than 2,000 people, I am hopeful that Turkey can benefit from this moment as a platform of national unity to strengthen its democracy and rise anew.
      Months later, we are at a turning point for Turkey, as terrorist attacks have increased, the economy slows and such events have tarnished international observers’ views of the country, which make these ideas even more timely for paving a constructive path forward.
      Include All Political Parties in Decision-Making Following the Failed Coup
      Immediately after the coup began, Turkish citizens and their political parties decisively chose the democratically elected leader, with all his virtues and flaws, to lead the country versus the return to military rule that took place in 1980, 1971, and 1960. By revisiting the inclusion of all political parties, Turkey has the opportunity to offer civilians living in Turkey’s Kurdish region an indestructible alternative to terrorist activities and help rebuild a critical region to reach Turkey’s full economic prowess and social cohesion. Current proposals for a new constitution in Turkey could be a vehicle toward unity when approached from this vantage point.
      Embrace Open Internet Platforms and Social Media
      The coup attempt failed because of open communication networks. President Erdogan spoke to the nation via a FaceTime application and could mobilize Turkey’s people to protect the country’s democracy precisely because of independent media, open Internet platforms, and the high rate of social media penetration and Internet connectivity. Through these channels, Turkey was able to send the message to the world of the horrors unfolding in the country’s Parliament and on the streets of Ankara and Istanbul. Likewise, international news outlets that saw the military coup as an initial success were quickly proved wrong by images and first-hand accounts posted on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
      Cyber-security and policing the Internet from extremists and violent elements has been challenging in Turkey and has led to large-scale internet outages that disrupt people’s daily life and business transactions. This approach can be enhanced through international cyber cooperation with trusted partners. In short, Turkey has much more to gain politically, economically, and socially through open internet networks than closed. The failed coup attempt, more than any single moment in Turkey’s recent history, supports this view that the internet and social media is more of an asset than a liability.
      Continue Deepening Anti-Terrorism Cooperation with Allies and Neighbors
      Turkey has faced an unprecedented number and source of terrorist attacks over the past year. The country’s intelligence networks remain strong while the post-coup environment has fundamentally altered the Turkish military as an institution, discharging thousands of highly-trained officers, and bringing it under civilian control — a feature of many of the world’s strongest democracies. In recent months, Turkey has expanded security cooperation with Russia to help bring peace in Syria and improve the over-500-mile border that Turkey shares with Syria. This newfound alliance with Russia, combined with public statements indicating a pivot toward the East and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, have undermined Turkey’s role as a leading NATO ally. Hosting a NATO Summit in Turkey would reaffirm its commitment to the alliance and help other countries understand the unique threats that the country is confronting.
      Improvements in the security landscape will have broad and deep positive effects for Turkey’s economy, social cohesion, and overall quality of life. Tourism accounts for more than 12 percent of Turkey’s GDP and will likely rebound once 6-8 months pass without a major terrorist incident.
      Bold actions such as these taken toward enhancing Turkey’s political, social, economic, and security future will move the country closer to its goal of being among the top-10 G20 nations. In summary, the solutions to the many challenges Turkey faces lie within.
      Geovanny Vicente Romero is the founder of the Dominican Republic Center of Public Policy, Leadership and Development (CPDL-RD). He is a political analyst and lecturer based in Washington, D.C. Reach him on Twitter @geovannyvicentr.

      3 Steps to Strengthening Post-Coup Democracy in Turkey

      Originally posted by Telesur.

        • The flags of Turkey and the European Union.

          The flags of Turkey and the European Union. | Photo: AFP

        We are at a turning point for Turkey as terrorist attacks have increased, the economy slows and events have tarnished international observers' views of the country.
        It was July 15 and I had just arrived in the magical city of Istanbul for the first time. I spent the afternoon and evening exploring the magnificent historical sites of the Sultanahmet neighborhood including the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sofia and Grand Bazaar. Following a romantic dinner on the terrace of a traditional Ottoman restaurant overlooking the Bosphoros and modern city on one side against the iconic backdrop of the historic city on the other, I was unaware that this juxtaposition of Turkey’s Ottoman past with its modern present would take an unprecedented turn.

        While walking through Sultanahmet Square later that evening, there were three members of the military running, one of them with their weapon and phone out. I thought the situation was odd and headed back to my hotel.
        As soon as I returned to the hotel, I saw the news of the ongoing coup d’état unfolding in the same peaceful city I was just watching from a distance. After a sleepless night ducking from the F-16s flying low that were felt from my hotel room, I watched the sunrise from the terrace with the hotel staff and other guests from all corners of the world relieved that the country had returned to civilian control.
        And so I spent my first 12 hours in Istanbul. Call it destiny, but this experience has fostered a special bond between Turkey and me — its resilient and hospitable people, historical legacy, entrepreneurial spirit, and global role as a connector across time and space.
        Having shared a piece of this national trauma that took nearly 300 lives and injured more than 2,000 people, I am hopeful that Turkey can benefit from this moment as a platform of national unity to strengthen its democracy and rise anew.
        Months later, we are at a turning point for Turkey, as terrorist attacks have increased, the economy slows and such events have tarnished international observers’ views of the country, which make these ideas even more timely for paving a constructive path forward.
        Include All Political Parties in Decision-Making Following the Failed Coup
        Immediately after the coup began, Turkish citizens and their political parties decisively chose the democratically elected leader, with all his virtues and flaws, to lead the country versus the return to military rule that took place in 1980, 1971, and 1960. By revisiting the inclusion of all political parties, Turkey has the opportunity to offer civilians living in Turkey’s Kurdish region an indestructible alternative to terrorist activities and help rebuild a critical region to reach Turkey’s full economic prowess and social cohesion. Current proposals for a new constitution in Turkey could be a vehicle toward unity when approached from this vantage point.
        Embrace Open Internet Platforms and Social Media
        The coup attempt failed because of open communication networks. President Erdogan spoke to the nation via a FaceTime application and could mobilize Turkey’s people to protect the country’s democracy precisely because of independent media, open Internet platforms, and the high rate of social media penetration and Internet connectivity. Through these channels, Turkey was able to send the message to the world of the horrors unfolding in the country’s Parliament and on the streets of Ankara and Istanbul. Likewise, international news outlets that saw the military coup as an initial success were quickly proved wrong by images and first-hand accounts posted on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
        Cyber-security and policing the Internet from extremists and violent elements has been challenging in Turkey and has led to large-scale internet outages that disrupt people’s daily life and business transactions. This approach can be enhanced through international cyber cooperation with trusted partners. In short, Turkey has much more to gain politically, economically, and socially through open internet networks than closed. The failed coup attempt, more than any single moment in Turkey’s recent history, supports this view that the internet and social media is more of an asset than a liability.
        Continue Deepening Anti-Terrorism Cooperation with Allies and Neighbors
        Turkey has faced an unprecedented number and source of terrorist attacks over the past year. The country’s intelligence networks remain strong while the post-coup environment has fundamentally altered the Turkish military as an institution, discharging thousands of highly-trained officers, and bringing it under civilian control — a feature of many of the world’s strongest democracies. In recent months, Turkey has expanded security cooperation with Russia to help bring peace in Syria and improve the over-500-mile border that Turkey shares with Syria. This newfound alliance with Russia, combined with public statements indicating a pivot toward the East and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, have undermined Turkey’s role as a leading NATO ally. Hosting a NATO Summit in Turkey would reaffirm its commitment to the alliance and help other countries understand the unique threats that the country is confronting.
        Improvements in the security landscape will have broad and deep positive effects for Turkey’s economy, social cohesion, and overall quality of life. Tourism accounts for more than 12 percent of Turkey’s GDP and will likely rebound once 6-8 months pass without a major terrorist incident.
        Bold actions such as these taken toward enhancing Turkey’s political, social, economic, and security future will move the country closer to its goal of being among the top-10 G20 nations. In summary, the solutions to the many challenges Turkey faces lie within.
        Geovanny Vicente Romero is the founder of the Dominican Republic Center of Public Policy, Leadership and Development (CPDL-RD). He is a political analyst and lecturer based in Washington, D.C. Reach him on Twitter @geovannyvicentr.

        Telesur #Telesurtv #GeovannyVicente #GeovannyVicenteRomero

        Wednesday, January 18, 2017

        Análisis triunfo de Donald Trump a horas de la toma de posesión, por Eridania Bido Fernández CPDL-RD

        A 48 horas de que Donald Trump asuma su cargo como nuevo mandatario de los Estados Unidos, Geovanny Vicente Romero, Analista político y Director del Centro de Políticas Públicas, Desarrollo y Liderazgo RD (CPDL-RD) – Danilo Miranda, Dr. En ciencias políticas, académico y catedrático – Dagoberto Gutiérrez, Catedrático y Rector de la Universidad Luterana realizan un análisis en el programa República SV, conducido por Carlos Toledo, conductor del mencionado programa y presentador de noticias del programa Teleprensa de Canal 33.

        Análisis triunfo de Donald Trump a horas de la toma de posesión

        Pasada las elecciones de Estados Unidos y a unos días de la toma de posesión del presidente electo Donald Trump, el experimentado periodista Carlos Toledo, conductor del programa Republica SV del Canal 33 y presentador de noticias del programa Teleprensa del mismo canal, ex Director de Univisión y Telemundo en Oklahoma, ha realizado un panel con varios expertos en política para analizar el panorama ante la llegada de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca.
        Rompiendo todo pronóstico, Trump triunfa en las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos, sobre este tenor versó la entrevista y análisis desarrollado por el periodista Toledo:
        1. Toledo Que fue lo que falló a las compañías encuestadoras, que fue lo que no se escuchó, explica Toledo, y comenta el pronunciamiento que sobre este tema tuvo el speaker Paul Ryan, cuando dijo que Donald Trump escuchó una voz que pocos habían escuchado en los Estados Unidos.
        2. Geovanny Vicente Romero, Analista político y Director del Centro de Políticas Públicas, Desarrollo y Liderazgo RD (CPDL-RD) explica: El triunfo de Donald Trump ha sido la principal sorpresa en la campaña electoral, ya que nadie se lo esperaba, aunque se sabía de antemano que cualquier cosa podía suceder, pero como dijo el Speaker Ryan, él (Donald Trump) pudo escuchar una voz que todos fuimos incapaces de escuchar, ya que Donald Trump sabía a qué segmento de la población le hablaba, él (Trump) conocía que había una parte de la población, que era mayoritariamente, las personas blancas de clase media, los pobres que estaban ansiosos por hablar, y estaban ansiosos por ser escuchados y tener su voz.
        En ese sentido, Vicente Romero entiende que básicamente Trump supo manejar esto de manera estratégica y que esto le permitió trazar una ventaja en relación a la candidata demócrata, quien a todas luces se pensaba que iba a ganar, pero que en el último momento y a raíz de las investigaciones del FBI, todo tuvo otro efecto, otro rumbo; fue una sorpresa inesperada contra todos los pronósticos.
        1. Toledo: No muestra esto un poco la segregación en la que vive Estados Unidos, ya que según los datos de las elecciones el 95% aproximadamente del Distrito de Columbia votó a favor de Hillary Clinton, solamente un 4% por Donald Trump, pero es ahí donde viven los principales periodistas, es ahí donde están asentadas las principales cadenas de noticias, y es también donde están la mayoría de los centros de pensamientos, no ilustra eso hasta cierto punto esa segregación en que se vive, y que se vive tal vez en una burbuja en Washington DC? ¿Y que no se mira afuera del país a sitios como Oklahoma, o a sitios como Michigan, como Wisconsin, etc.?
        2. Vicente Romero. Definitivamente Washington DC, como capital de los EEUU y como ciudad política de este gran país, es el epicentro de todos estos aspectos políticosy el triunfo del partido demócrata para nosotros no fue una sorpresa en absoluto, porque sabíamos que tradicionalmente, Washington se caracterizaba por ser un segmento demócrata. Ahora bien, la gran sorpresa ha sido ver el triunfo, el repunte que tuvo Donald Trump en estados tan estratégicos como Florida, como Texas, donde sabíamos que por la cantidad de votos electorales podría haber un gran impacto en los resultados de las elecciones, pero obviamente, Washington en terminos de importancia a los fines de las elecciones, si marca una diferencia, en el sentido de que pueden trazar una línea de lo que se está hablando y de lo que está en la palestra en la ciudad capital.
        “Yo pienso que este triunfo del partido demócrata en esta ciudad no fue una sorpresa en absoluto”.
        donald trumpToledo. En Latinoamérica de repente los medios de comunicación hispanos o incluso los medios de comunicación en inglés en Estados Unidos, sé que se le prestó muchísima atención al mensaje nativista de Donald Trump acerca de los mexicanos que son violadores o que son traficantes de drogas, que iban también a deportar a salvadoreños que son cómplices de mexicanos, que se iba a construir un muro, que no se iba a permitir la entrada de musulmanes, yo sé que a eso se le puso mucha atención, sin embargo las encuestas de salidas te dicen que issue (asunto) número uno en la mente de muchos votantes de Trump era la economía, no migración.
        1. Vicente Romero. La economía era un tema de bastante importancia para los votantes, porque definitivamente cuando empezamos con el tema de inmigración fue en el principio de la campaña electoral, y básicamente, fue probablemente el aspecto más fuerte de su campaña, pero sabemos que estas cosas, estos comentarios y este discurso que él (Trump) vino desarrollando en todo este trayecto, iba dirigido a un segmento poblacional como yo había dicho antes, pero aquí ha prevalecido bastante el interés que tienen los americanos sobre la economía, cuál es el rumbo que ha tenido esta, y obviamente, ellos todavía están interesados en estos aspectos neurálgicos que son parte del valor de los americanos, y por qué no?, del orgullo de ellos. Porque obviamente, EEUU sigue siendo la primera economía del mundo. Ahora bien, hay muchas personas que tienen cierto miedo porque piensan que van hacer deportados o piensan que van a tener algún daño o algún efecto negativo en sus vidas con esta elección de Donald Trump, pero tengo para decirles a estas personas como he dicho anteriormente, estos comentarios básicamente estaban dirigidos a lograr el voto de unas personas que querían escuchar estos comentarios, pero probablemente esto no sucede tal como él (Trump) lo expresaba. En qué sentido? Bueno, EEUU como sistema político, si una de las virtudes que tiene este sistema político es que está diseñado para no permitir un dictador, si lo vemos de esa manera, es decir las tres ramas del poder. La separación del poder está diseñada por lo que se conoce como balance de poder, o como peso o contrapeso, es decir que ninguna de las ramas podrá tener todo el control sobre todas las cosas. Entonces, pienso que tenemos que darle la oportunidad al presidente electo de gobernar, tenemos que darle ya el beneficio de la duda porque no queda otra cosa, tenemos que aceptar la realidad y obviamente ser partícipe de esta unión del país para que él pueda tener una buena gestión como dijo el presidente Obama: “si usted tiene éxito, el país tiene éxito también”.
        En su análisis, Danilo Miranda, Dr. En ciencias políticas, académico y catedrático, consideró que el resultado de las elecciones se centró en un principio de desproporcionalidad que ha acontecido antes, donde el candidato mayor votado no es el ganador, debido al sistema electoral vigente que se caracteriza por el voto de los delegadosen algunos estados no hubo sorpresas en los resultados.
        DagobertoGutierrezEl analista Dagoberto Gutiérrez, Catedrático y Rector de la Universidad Luterana, sostuvo que esto no ha sido fruto meramente electorales, sino que lo ocurrido en el fondo es el derrumbe del mundo construido después de la segunda guerra mundial, que tuvo su centro en levantar el dólar como moneda planetaria. Igualmente, que con estas elecciones se derrota el sistema de partido, sosteniendo que en EEUU hay un solo partido con dos alas, una juega a la derecha y otra a la izquierda, siendo ambas derrotadas, ya que Trump no pertenece a ninguno y  basa su análisis en siete puntos; 1. Ataca a los grandes medios, a los grandes aparatos ideológicos, 2. Rechaza el papel de EEUU de relación con la OTAN, 3. Defiende bajar los precios de la medicina, superar las deficiencias del sistema de salud, 4.Plantea una política de proteccionismo en el terreno del mercado, 5. Propone una alianza con Rusia, en el terreno de la lucha contra el Estado Islámico, y denuncio a la gente de ese país que Obama había sido uno de los organizadores del Estado islámico. 6. Se pronunció contra la arrogancia de la gente de Wall Street, propuso ponerle impuestos a los grandes corredores de bolsas que tienen gigantescas ganancias, y finalmente estableció algo clave, Donald dice que Estados Unidos no puede ser intervencionista.

        Eridania Bidó Fernández es Co Fundadora, VP en Centro de Politicas Públicas, Desarrollo y Liderazgo, RD.
        Sigue a Eridania por redes socilaes:

        Geovanny Vicente Romero es Experto en Analisis Político
        Contacata con Geovanny por redes sociales:

        Carlos Toledo es Periodista y Productor Ejecutivo del Noticiero Esterlar , Conductor de RepublicaSV y Co-Conductor de Debate Político de Teleprensa de El Salvador.
        Contacta con Carlos por redes sociales:

        Danilo Miranda es Dr. En ciencias políticas, académico y catedrático

        Dagoberto Gutiérrez es  Catedrático y Rector de la Universidad Luteranaçç


        #GeovannyVicenteRomero #GeovannyVicente